Archive: 2022 News

2022 News

Queen's Jubilee Celebrations Thursday 2nd June

A thoroughly good time was had by all, thanks to the hard work put in by the organisers.

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Try Bowls Afternoon - Saturday 28th May

This was a well-attended event, with a number of visitors being introduced to the game. The helpers did an excellent job and the warm sunshine and open bar helped as well.

Eric Eeels Triples: Monday May 2nd.

This was an very successful and well-organised afternoon, with everyone enjoying the bowls and the BBQ in the warm sunshine. Congratulations to the winning triple: (L-R) Gary Burnett, Glynis Pease and David Miles.

County Top Club Competition

Congratulation to the ladies' team who continued their progress through the County Top Club competition to reach the final.

On Saturday 11th June they beat Royal Household in a closely-fought contest at Wokingham Club.

The final, against Suttons, will be at 10:00 at Tilehurst on Sunday 7th August.

Good luck ladies!

Two Wood Pairs competition-Sunday 3rd July

This was a fantastic day with great support from our club members and with a greast field of competitiors, who entertained the spectators with a skilful display of precision bowling.

Thanka go to the club sponsors and the companies who contributed to an incredible raffle.

The final was a great spectacle battled out by two Reading BC pairs, with Simon Jones and Robert Newman prevailing by 1 shot against Darren Holder and Alan Symondson.

The plate final was won by Reading BC- Craig Shaw and Gary Stacey against West Ealing pair Jay Head and Paul Wilsher.

Click to view a larger image.

Marking Course

On Thursday 18th August, members enjoyed a session on marking taken by Paul Melhuish & Mike Staker, supported by David Miles. The session was arranged by Bob Kiddle.

Monday Night Triples Final

Images from the final won by John Engelfield, Jenny Crowther and Rob Parks.

The last end was played by torchlight as the club floodlights packed up!

Pictures by David Miles

Tilehurst win Twilight Trophy

In a closely fought contest, Tilehurst overcame a 34 shot deficit to win the second round of the match153-81. This made the aggregate score:Tilehurst 228-Trentham 190.

Well done to the team who ended the season on a very positive note. The picture on the right shows Wednesday/Sunday Captain Steven Rosser with the trophy.

Club Presentation Evening-Saturday October 29th 2022

This was a very enjoyable evening with many of the competition winners present to collect their trophies: well done to all of them. Also,many thanks to John Wood for organising the competitions and to Jane Howman and Gaye Staker for the food.

Other competition winners were:

Julie Merry: Alf & Ella Cup; Andy Knapper: Men's Handicap; Aubrey Merry: Men's 3 Wood; Andy Knapper: Carling Cup; Liam, David & Mark Hancock: Benevolent Triples; Andy Knapper & Scot Winskill: Men's 2 Wood Pairs