Club News: 2024

Club News

For news about National and County Competitions as well as other club news, please visit the club's Facebook page.

Defibrillator Training

Recently, club members undertook training in the use of the defibrillator.

The machine, which is kept in the clubhouse near the rink book, has fortunately not had to be used thus far, but is up and running should the occasion arise.


Short-Mat Finals

As we're looking forward to the outdoor season, the Short-Mat season comes to a close.

Grateful thanks to Steven Rosser, John Banks and Clive Speirs for their considerable time and effort in running the sessions.

The final session featured the grand finals where teams played most of the other teams in a complicated but entertaining way. 

The eventual winners were: Val Ryan, Carol Brooks and Clive Walton. Clive Speirs, Marie Hayes & Debbie Dobson came second and John Banks, Muriel Sadler and Glynis Pease finished third.

It was great fun. everyone enjoyed the bowls and  the food, especially the cakes, courtesy of Teresa Rosser.

Let's do it all again this winter!