To gradually warm up the body in preparation for play
To stretch the main muscle groups used during your game
To combine the final physical preparation with some mental focus
To be warmed up and ready for play before the early ends of the match so you can hit the ground running
Flexibility (stretching)
This maintains or increases the range of movement in the joints. With regular stretching there can be
less resistance to movement so a certain degree of energy conservation can be achieved. With the
aging process there is a loss of flexibility (from 20 to 70 years males can lose 40% of flexibility. females a little less)
Flexibility can be maintained by being active and stretching. A combination of the two is important.
The following routine is suggested but you can add other stretches or exercises, or modify the suggested routine to suit your purpose. It is a matter of developing and establishing a warm up routine that suits you personally and which you are comfortable with.
Phase 1
To increase body temperature, blood flow and mobilization, walk gently in different directions over a warm up area and start to loosen neck and shoulders. Then bring your knees up to your chest alternately. Follow this by bringing your knees up to hip level and to the side alternately this is to loosen the hip joint.
Phase 2
Stretch the calf muscles
Stand close to and lean on a solid wall, or partner supporting the body weight on the arms, bend one leg and place the foot in front, with the other leg straight behind
First movement: Slowly move the hips forward keeping the back flat. Keep the heel of the straight leg firmly on the floor with toe pointing straight ahead.
Second movement: To stretch the lower calf, lower the hips downwards as the knees are slightly bending, again keep the heel down.
Phase 3
Stretch the hamstrings
Starting position: in the standing position place one leg (the leg to be stretched) slightly in front of the other leg. Bend the back leg keeping the back straight and using the hand on the back leg to support the spine. Keep the front leg straight, the head up and prevent the back from curving over
Movement: Press forward until you feel a mild tension.
Stretch the Quads: Starting position Stand holding onto something for balance. Flex one knee and raise your heel to the buttocks
Movement: Flex your support leg and grasp your raised foot with one hand; slowly pull your heel towards your buttocks without over compressing your knee.
Website last updated: 04.03.2025